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Stephen King-Стивен Кинг - "Under the Dome - Под куполом" (аудиокнига/audiobook)

Действие романа происходит в городе Честерс Миллс в штате Мэн. В один "совершенно нормальный, прекрасный осенний день" жители обнаружили, что их город окружен невидимым, но непроницаемым щитом, о который разбиваются самолеты и автомобили. Никто не знает, откуда взялся купол и можно ли от него избавиться. В книге действуют около ста персонажей, в том числе ветеран войны в Персидском заливе, владелица местной газеты, фельдшер, зловещий политик и его сын, скрывающий "страшную тайну в темном чулане". По словам Кинга, в новом романе есть мотивы, похожие на те, что исследовались в "Противостоянии" ("The Stand"), но они решаются "более аллегорическим образом".
Book description:
The town of Chester’s Mill, ME is changed forever on October 21st, when an invisible force field materializes to quarantine it from the rest of humanity. Not truly a dome as the title suggests, the mysterious barrier is more like a capsule that fits exactly over the town’s borders.
The “dome” is 47,000 feet high, and extends far below the town as well. Pollutants begin to gather on the barrier, eventually giving it the look of a dirty windshield as the story progresses. Near its base, the “dome” emits a low level electronic frequency that gives anyone with a pacemaker a nasty surprise when it explodes in their chest. The barrier is as strong as it is thorough, it can withstand aircraft and cars collisions; rifle shots and cruise missiles tipped with bunker buster warheads are equally ineffective.
The military forms a perimeter around Chester Mills, and further cuts off the town from the rest of the world by shutting down Internet access and leaving the trapped town to fend for themselves. In accordance with whatever literary laws there are regarding towns mysteriously isolated, characters representing both the good and evil sides of the spectrum emerge. Evil is aptly represented by Big Jim Rennie, who owns the local used car dealership along with heading the town council. Rennie’s the proverbial big fish in a small pond; despite his claim he was born again in his teens, he’s more apt to steal a baby’s candy than kiss the baby. When the dome appears, Big Jim becomes more concerned with solidifying his power base than the welfare of his town. He’s also more than a bit concerned about the council’s dirty secret coming to light — that they’ve been using town materials to run a meth lab in order to give Chester Mills an economic boost. The dead corpses stashed in his pantry, courtesy of his psychotic and migraine prone son as well as himself, are starting to pose a problem as well.
Representing good is a man who was trying to leave Chester Mills before the barrier appeared, Dale “Barbie” Barbara. A former captain in the Army with traumatic memories of his time served in Iraq, Dale has been working as a short order cook before a fight with Jim Rennie’s son prompted his decision to move on. Instead, he now finds himself conscripted back into the military and promoted to Colonel. When the President declares martial law and puts Dale in charge, he finds himself in a power struggle with a pious sounding man willing to resort to any means in order to regain his control of the town. Dale also faces problems from a police force newly expanded by the council, and stocked with people more apt to commit crimes than prevent them.

Год выпуска/Year of release: 2009
Автор/The author: Stephen King-Стивен Кинг
Исполнитель/The executor: Raul Esparza
Жанр/A genre: Fiction
Язык/Language: английский/english
Издательство/ Publishing house: Simon & Schuster
Тип/Type: аудиокнига/audiobook
Аудио кодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 64 kbps
Продолжительность/Duration time: 34 hours
Размер архива/The size of archive 949 MB

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